Before I went to Cabo San Lucas for my vacation this last winter I had only ever gone to the not so nice places of Mexico. Tijuana and Ensenada.I wasn't expecting Cabo to be anything like those places, but I figured there would definitely be some similarities that the entirety of Mexico shared. One being awful roads. When I went to Mexico as a kid, we went with our church and built houses for a week. Each day we treked from where we were staying to the place that we were building at. The roads had everyone's toilet matter running down the side of it, and the roads were full of potholes and lacking actual concrete or blacktop.
When we left the airport in Cabo in search of our car that was being stored across the street, the roads appeared to be fairly well maintained. I thought for sure this wouldn't continue, it was merely a trick to play on people and that once they left the nearby area it would be back to dirt roads full of pot holes the size of a small child. As we pulled out of the car lot and towards our digs I kept waiting for that drop-when the good road ran out and the other road started. Except it never came. All that ever crossed beneath our car's tires was fairly new blacktop.
As we continued to cruise on down to our residence for the next week we passed by a place that sat right on the side of this nicely paved highway. I fell in lust with this place the moment I stepped in side, and in love with it the moment I took my first sip of bloody mary. I had no idea that a place like this existed in the middle of nowhere, on the side of the road. When we went in, the owner told us that it has taken him seventeen years to get everything built and created for this art gallery/bar that sits in the desert. I would have been fine spending most of my vacation here.